Failte Solar

 FAN alarm troubleshooting guide

This alarm will display if one of the fans is not able to spin. This does not necessarily mean that one of the fans is broken. If debris such as grass, bug nests, dirt, etc. is stuck in the fan then it will not be able to spin. The inverter will throw the alarm whenever the fans need to turn on. In colder weather, the fans might occasionally lock up due to ice build-up. Use spray lubricant on the fans to help them become less susceptible to becoming frozen. 

Solis three phase inverters have external fans typically located on the back underside of the inverter. Depending on the inverter model, there could also be an internal fan as well. 

Fan alarm troubleshooting steps:

1. Go to Advanced Settings

   a. Press Enter, then Up once to highlight Advanced Settings, and then press Enter

   b. Password is 0010, enter that by pressing Up, Up, Down, and then Enter

2. Go to Fan Test 

   a. Once you are in advanced settings press the Up button until Fan Test is highlighted and then press enter

  b. Press enter again when it asks if you are sure

3. Let the fan test run and inspect the external fans 

  a. Give the inverter about three minutes to complete the full fan test

  b. As the test is running, watch the external fans to make sure they all spin

4. Deal with fans that are not spinning

   a. If one or more fans is/are not spinning, check the blades to see if there is debris

   b. Try to spin the fan with your fingers. If the weather is cold, it could be ice buildup

   c.  If the fan spins with your fingers but not when the fan test is running then it could be bad fan

5. If you think that you may have a bad fan

   a. Remove the four screws holding the fan in place 

   b. Pull the fan out and then disconnect the power cable

   c. Swap the fan with one of the other fans and then run the fan test again

   d. If the fan that was not spinning before still does not spin after the swap then the fan is bad

6. After you confirmed that you do have a bad fan

   a. Contact Solis customer support to get a new fan shipped out

   b. Replace the defective fan with the new fan once it arrives

   c. Run the fan test one last time to ensure that all fans are now operational


Conditions under which the inverter fans will operate (Solis 75-100K inverters as an example USA version)

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